Our Mission: Connecting Together- Restoring Hope
CityLink ministries began its work with the isolated and disadvantaged of Olympia WA in 2015 as a next step discipleship ministry. While serving the homeless we became burdened by the fact that many of them have personal relationships with Jesus Christ and want to attend a local church but do not feel welcomed. Their personal struggles with addiction, depression, social anxieties and many other things makes them feel all alone and unwanted in the world. Having come from brokenness ourselves we can identify with them and feel compelled to connect together with them to restore hope. To do this we believe we must first serve the homeless on the city streets where they are by offering sack lunches and prayer. Secondly we reconnect with them each week to build on the relationships and to share the reason for the hope that we have found in Jesus. For those who are ready to take the next step we provide a comfortable gathering place where similar people are encouraged in heart, linked in love, and growing in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision: Broken people relying on Jesus for Life!
Our Dream for the future is the creation of CityLink Hope Center where we can expand our Christian Discipleship Program with ministry centers for worship, healing, learning and serving. We also believe that our future will include an outreach ministry school and new recovery program called Restore where specially trained individuals take recovery ministry to the streets where it’s needed the most.